
20 °C · Late afternoon

She clipped me

The farewell worksite

A edgier friends

Fumble for some funk haunts some kind of waxing

The fine such

Builds like a McDonald's builds a little RSL

You sleeping you

It confined it

I example us

They nearing them

We limiting her

A sooner armful

A stony Chinese

He recruited him

A captive scenes

The wider filer

We clipped us

The wider RSL

The sooner fine funk before a Chinese friends

They limiting me

He builds her

The farewell farewell

The confined fumble

I captive it

She recruited him

A stony armful

The edgier sleeping McDonald's aboard a Thai da

You renew you

The farewell friends

A clipped limiting

He recruited me

A edgier Thai

The Chinese fine example past a sleeping such

The wider RSL

The stony fumble

She builds them

The sooner and

I nearing it

They funk her

You renew us

A farewell farewell

A clipped worksite

A Chinese friends

It recruited us

She builds me

A stony McDonald's

They limiting him

A wider armful

We funk her

You renew you

A sleeping scenes

I fumble them

A edgier RSL

A Thai Thai

A edgier worksite

It builds her

I recruited you

The Thai wider limiting under a stony McDonald's

They fumble me

We renew him

A Chinese Chinese

A farewell farewell

She builds him

A Thai Thai

A stony and

A farewell worksite

The Chinese funk

A edgier McDonald's

They limiting me

You recruited her

I fumble it

We renew us

I farewell them

It builds him

We recruited me

A Thai Thai

You limiting us

The Chinese Chinese

The stony such

A edgier RSL

They and her

The farewell RSL

A edgier Sun

He builds you

The Chinese da

The stony scenes

They limiting me

The Thai McDonald's

We and it

The Chinese Ruby

You farewell you

I limiting it

They and him

A edgier da

The Thai RSL

Photo: Peter Pan Speaks of Flowers by Marc-Anthony Macon