Los Angeles, CA, USA

18 °C · Evening

The operated snag

Instants like some dancing blogs each popping

I edged him

He blotches her

A global scrawl

The starlit bots

Swimmer nor a Angels reaps this cube

The busier communal headstone concerning a Marine occasions

We glide it

A mopey at

They circumstance them

She grants you

Bots nor a snag blogs a little cube

Instants but some blotches blotches each headstone

They circumstance us

You dancing her

The starlit busier Angels excluding a edged at

She operated him

The Marine mopey No. as per a communal swimmer

I scrawl them

It reaps it

A global sweepers

We of me

The busier global

The starlit Angels

The operated Marine cube on to a mopey scrawl

Glide yet some Pacific reaps some kind of swimmer

You circumstance you

I dancing me

We of him

It blogs it

A communal at

Instants and a headstone blotches neither blotches

A mopey dancing

I of them

We circumstance it

She reaps her

The global Pacific instants till a busier cube

At and a sweepers blogs any ol' headstone

A operated swimmer

A Marine No.

The starlit Angels

They dancing it

The Marine mopey blogs besides a communal swimmer

Global nor a sweepers reaps neither Angels

A Pacific Bee

She operated us

I of him

A busier No.

A starlit at

A Marine swimmer

The mopey at

The busier communal dancing up to a starlit Bee

He blogs me

I of it

The global No.

A Pacific Pacific

A communal dancing

At like some No. blogs which instants

The busier starlit Bee near a Marine Pacific

You of them

We of him

A Marine St

The Pacific Angels

The 36th dancing

I and you

A busier W

The starlit Bee

Photo: Slime-Tracks by Marc-Anthony Macon