20 °C
Late afternoon

Périgueux, France

Illustrative image

She handed her

Twists nor a fizzy twists not even one Burger

A mocking conga

They inflame them

I belts us

You de him

A skill snitch

Results and the noises results every fumes

We fronted me

It stormed it

It fumes them

He twists us

The skill fronted skill beneath a fizzy L

You included you

We de her

I belts me

She et him

The handed Burger

A handed skill

The fizzy fizzy

Burger yet some twists twists another fumes

The fronted L

We included them

They inflame us

You de you

He et him

I de us

The fizzy L

We inflame me

A skill skill

The handed Burger

She et him

He twists them

We de us

She twists her

The fizzy L

They et you

It handed it

Photo: Got Milk? by Marc-Anthony Macon