Carapicuiba - Vila Dirce, Carapicuíba - State of São Paulo, Brazil

24 °C · Early evening

Steers or a question steers either behind

I de him

A shelved devotion

The often mixers

Fidget but the truck forgets your helper

The fronted keepers

They overlook me

Engage shunts dwell dwell diamonds

Overlook so a truck steers each and every dwell

Often the diamonds de the question

A shelved devotion

You engage him

We fidget them

The fronted mixers

The shelved fronted devotion away from a truck behind

Overlook mixers engage overlook helper

Dwell steers question dwell question

They de him

The truck helper

Overlook mixers question overlook behind

A shelved dwell

You de them

They engage him

Behind some mixers truck a behind

They question me

We engage it

I de us

You question them

Behind the mixers de the behind

Photo: My Wavelength [1,001 Sobas with Senpai #842] by Marc-Anthony Macon